Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. This isn't my first post actually, but this is my first time to post my hijab outfit. Firstly I'll tell you why I used style500 (style lima ratus) for my blog name. 500 it's a max price that i could spend (Rp 500.000) to buy 1 fashion item. That's why I call it style 500, because this style only max Rp 500ribu each item. So I think you can buy it, hope it will inspire you. style isn't about how expensive your cloth, but about how you could make it looks expensive.
Honestly, I just wore hijab in last 2 months, and I feel difficultly to find fashion hijab in my style. But I try my best.
Shawl Bershka, Outwear (forgot the brand), Stripes shirt Chache, Skirt Flashy, Boots TopShop
love your boots dear :D